Know Thy Star, Know Thy Planet 2 Conference
Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA -
Know Thy Star 2
Caltech, CA, USA -
Horizons for Optical Long Baseline Interferometry
Meudon, France -
Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation III
Kyoto, Nihon -
Meudon, France -
Rogue Worlds 2024: Uniting Theory and Observation
Osaka, Nihon -
10th Annual Science At Low Frequencies (SALF) Conference
Shanghaï, China -
AGU 24
Session P002: Atmospheres, Climate, and Potential Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets
P011 - (Exo)Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
P012 - Formation and Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: From Dust to Habitable Worlds
P022 - Observing Solar and Extrasolar Planetary Particle Environments
P23F - Atmospheres, Climate, and Potential Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets II
P24A - Atmospheres, Climate, and Potential Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets III
P028 - Planetary Science and Astrobiology with the Habitable Worlds Observatory
Washington DC USA -
Atelier Habitabilité & vie sur d'autres mondes (HALO)
Fréjus, France -
(Exo)Planet Diversity, Formation and Evolution
Göttingen, Deutschland -
First European Interstellar Symposium in December
Luxembourg -
Exoplanets in our Backyard III
Louisville, Kentucky, USA -
Exoplanets in Our Backyard
Louisville, KY, USA -
High precision astrometry post-Gaia: from habitable planets, black holes to dark matter
Nanjing, China -
Stars in Queensland + 10th Australian Exoplanet Workshop
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia -
The VII NoRCEL International Conference
Leeds, UK -
Workshop on Information, Selection, and Evolution (WISE)
Washington DC USA -
PLATO Week #15
Göttingen, Deutschland -
Astrobiology and the Future of Life Meeting
Huston, TX, USA -
Distinguer le biologique du non-biologique: quelle faisabilité ? Quelles stratégies ? Quels outils ?
Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron, France -
DPS 56
Exoplanet Dynamics and Census
Exoplanets & Giant Planets: Atmospheric Observations
Exoplanets & Giant Planets: Atmospheric and Interior modeling - Part 1
Exoplanets & Giant Planets: Atmospheric and Interior Modeling - Part 2
Boise, ID, USA -
Born in Fire: Eruptive Stars and Planet Formation
Santiago, Chile -
2nd International Conference: Alive Universe - from Planets to Galaxies
Baku, Azərbaycan -
Planet formation and populations
Tartu, Estonia -
A future space mission with very high-precision astrometry
Paris, France -
9th Byurakan International Summer School for Young Astronomers
Byurakan, Armenia -
MITM – Missions, Instrumentation, Techniquehttps://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2024/session/51291s, Modelling
EXOA1 Towards a better understanding of planets' and planetary systems' diversity
EXOA2 Characterizing the diversity of exoplanetary atmospheres
EXOA8 Exoplanet characterization of (super-)Earths and sub-Neptunes
Berlin, Deutschland -
EANA 2024 Conference
Graz, Österreich -
Roman Coronagraph Instrument: Test Results Info Session
Caltech, CA, USA -
Goldschmidt Conference Exoplanets: Compositions, Mineralogy, Evolution
Chicago, Il, USA -
IAU Symposium 393: Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of the James Webb Space Telescope
Cape Town, South Africa -
Are we a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? --- or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard?
Copenhagen, Denmark -
TESS Science conference III
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA -
Neutral and Ion Photochemistry in Planetary Atmospheres l
Leiden, Nederland -
2024 Sagan Summer Workshop Advances in Direct Imaging: From Young Jupiters to Habitable Earths
CalTech, Pasadena, CA, USA -
When Stars Meet Planets: Exploiting High-Resolution Observations
Haus Sexten, Sexten, Italia -
Frontiers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, A Celebration of 50 years of the Institute of Astronomy
Cambridge, UK -
Exoplanets by the Lake II: Geoastronomy
Ammersee, Deutschland -
TASC8/KASC15 Workshop
Porto, Portugal -
New Heights in Planet Formation
ESO, Garching, Grmany -
Two HoRSEs High-Resolution Exoplanet Characterization today and in the ELT era
Berlin, Deutschland -
COSPAR-2024-B1.2: Unveiling planet formation and how it connects small bodies, planets, circumstellar disks and stars
Busan, Korea -
How Roman Observations Will Confront Theory
Pasadena, CA USACalTech, -
Roman Science Conference, "Challenging Theory with Roman: From Planet Formation to Cosmology"
Other Worlds Laboratory Exoplanet Summer Program
UC Santa Cruz, CA, USA -
Multiwavelength approach to exoplanetary systems
Barcelona, Espgaña -
EAS Congress 2024
Session S14: (Exo-)Planet formation at different stages of disk evolution
Session SS13: Young and Mischievous: close-in exoplanets around young stars
Session SS19: Stars, discs & planets: dynamics & evolution in multiple systems
Session SS21: PLATO mission: Towards new horizons in Exoplanet and Stellar Science Aims and scope
Session SS25: Formation of giant exoplanets: models and observations
Session SS37: Interferometric imaging of the inner few AU of circumstellar environments
Padova, Italia -
ORIGINS – From planets to life
Nantes, France -
Exoplanet Space Weather around Cool Stars
Star-Planet Connection and Tracing Planetary Formation and Composition
San Diego, CA, USA