Planet WISE J1711+3500 b
Detailed information about planet WISE J1711+3500 b and its parameters.
- Name
- WISE J1711+3500 b
- Planet Status
- Discovered in
Status -
Published in a refereed paper
- Update
- Mass
- Mass*sin(i)
- Semi-Major Axis
- Orbital Period
- Eccentricity
- Angular distance
- ω
- Tperi
- Radius
- Inclination
- Detection Method
- Mass Meas. Method
- Radius Meas. Method
- Primary transit
- Secondary transit
- λ
- Impact Parameter b
- Time Vr=0
- Velocity Semiamplitude K
- Calculated temperature
- Measured temperature
- Hottest point longitude
- Geometric albedo
- Surface gravity log(g/gH)
- Alternate Names
Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Molecule | Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Binary brown dwarf
(Liu et al. 2012) computes the mass and temperature using different models and assuming two different ages (1Gyr and 5Gyr) for the system. The values indicated here are a mean of all the results from the models, with associated standard deviation.
(Liu et al. 2012): spectral type T9.5±0.5
No link
System without star
- Distance
- RA2000
- Dec2000