Planet TOI-456
Detailed information about planet TOI-456 and its parameters.
- Name
- TOI-456
- Planet Status
- Discovered in
Status -
Published in a refereed paper
- Update
- Mass
- Mass*sin(i)
- Semi-Major Axis
- Orbital Period
- Eccentricity
- Angular distance
- ω
- Tperi
- Radius
- Inclination
- Detection Method
- Mass Meas. Method
- Radius Meas. Method
- Primary transit
- Secondary transit
- λ
- Impact Parameter b
- Time Vr=0
- Velocity Semiamplitude K
- Calculated temperature
- Measured temperature
- Hottest point longitude
- Geometric albedo
- Surface gravity log(g/gH)
- Alternate Names
Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Molecule | Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Spectral type M8Vp. Age 10-40 Myr. Possible substellar exoplanet host. Filippazzo et al. (2015) calculate a mass within the range of brown dwarfs (m = 39.0 ± 23.17 MJup), whereas TESS provides a mass estimate more compatible with a low-mass star (m = 0.1143 ± 0.02 MSol).
A transiting companion larger than Jupiter (r = 1.36 RJup) with ultra-short orbital period (P = 0.337 d) is reported, unless the transit is actually a blend due to a background eclipsing binary.
System without star
- Distance
- RA2000
- Dec2000