Planet HD 176051 Bb
Detailed information about planet HD 176051 Bb and its parameters.
- Name
- HD 176051 Bb
- Planet Status
- Discovered in
Status -
Published in a refereed paper
- Update
- Mass
- Mass*sin(i)
- Semi-Major Axis
1.76 AU
- Orbital Period
- Eccentricity
- Angular distance
- ω
- Tperi
- Radius
- Inclination
- Detection Method
- Mass Meas. Method
- Radius Meas. Method
- Primary transit
- Secondary transit
- λ
- Impact Parameter b
- Time Vr=0
- Velocity Semiamplitude K
- Calculated temperature
- Measured temperature
- Hottest point longitude
- Geometric albedo
- Surface gravity log(g/gH)
- Alternate Names
Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Molecule | Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
22 Oct 2010: The parent star is a binary star. The planet parameters are given for the 0.71 Solar mass B component (Muterspaugh et al. 2010).
If the planet is orbiting the 1.07 Solar mass A component, the planet mass is 2.26 MJup and a = 2.02 AU. Currently the hypothesis of the secondary star as exoplanet host is favoured.
See also Planets in Binaries webpage.
No link
- Name
- HD 176051 B
- Distance
- Spectral type
- Apparent magnitude V
- Apparent magnitude I
- Apparent magnitude J
- Apparent magnitude H
- Apparent magnitude K
- Mass
- Age
- Effective temperature
- Radius
- Metallicity [Fe/H]
- Detected Disc
- Magnetic Field
- RA2000
- Dec2000
- Alternate Names
22 Oct 2010: The parent star is part of a binary system very similar to α Centauri (P = 22430 d, a = 19 AUs, e = 0.266, i = 114.16°).
Muterspaugh et al. (2010) are not certain about which component the planet b, detected by astrometry, is orbiting, although the secondary star is more favoured as host.
The two components are:
- HD 176051A (1.07 Solar mass F9V star, V = 5.28) alias GJ 738 A
- HD 176051B (0.71 Solar mass K1V star, V = 7.82), alias GJ 738 B
We therefore take the (rather artificially) mean value (MA + MB)/2 for the stellar mass.
No link
- Simbad
- Most recent references (ADS)