Planet GJ 3470 b
Detailed information about planet GJ 3470 b and its parameters.
- Name
- GJ 3470 b
- Planet Status
- Discovered in
Status -
Published in a refereed paper
- Update
- Mass
- The TROY project III. Exploring co-orbitals around low-mass stars
- Stellar Characterization and Chemical Abundances of Exoplanet Hosting M dwarfs from APOGEE Spectra: Future JWST Targets
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Mass*sin(i)
- Understanding the Mass-Radius Relation for Sub-Neptunes: Radius as a Proxy for Composition
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Semi-Major Axis
- Orbital Period
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Eccentricity
- The TROY project III. Exploring co-orbitals around low-mass stars
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Angular distance
- ω
- Tperi
- Radius
- Stellar Characterization and Chemical Abundances of Exoplanet Hosting M dwarfs from APOGEE Spectra: Future JWST Targets
- Understanding the Mass-Radius Relation for Sub-Neptunes: Radius as a Proxy for Composition
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Inclination
- Detection Method
- Mass Meas. Method
- Radius Meas. Method
- Primary transit
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Secondary transit
- λ
- Impact Parameter b
- Time Vr=0
- Velocity Semiamplitude K
- Calculated temperature
- Measured temperature
- Hottest point longitude
- Geometric albedo
- Surface gravity log(g/gH)
- Alternate Names
Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Molecule | Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
CH4 | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2024 - BEATTY Th. | ||||
CO2 | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2024 - BEATTY Th. | ||||
H | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2018 - BOURRIER V. | ||||
Modeling | Detected | 2020 - SHAIKHISLAMOV I. | ||||
H2O | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2024 - BEATTY Th. | ||||
Measurements | Detected 5σ | 2019 - BENNEKE B. | ||||
He | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2021 - LAMPON M. | ||||
Measurements | Detected | 2020 - PALLÉ E. | ||||
Modeling | Detected | 2020 - SHAIKHISLAMOV I. | ||||
SO2 | ||||||
Measurements | Detected | 2024 - BEATTY Th. |
No remarks
No link
- Name
- GJ 3470
- Distance
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- Trigonometric Parallaxes and Proper Motions of 134 Southern Late M, L, and T Dwarfs from the Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search Program
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Spectral type
- Apparent magnitude V
- Apparent magnitude I
- Apparent magnitude J
- Apparent magnitude H
- Apparent magnitude K
- Mass
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Age
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Effective temperature
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Radius
- A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry
- Spitzer Observations of GJ3470b: a Very Low-density Neptune-size Planet Orbiting a Metal-rich M dwarf
- Bright Opportunities for Atmospheric Characterization of Small Planets: Masses and Radii of K2-3 b, c, d and GJ3470 b from Radial Velocity Measurements and Spitzer Transits
- Metallicity [Fe/H]
- Detected Disc
- Magnetic Field
- RA2000
- Dec2000
- Alternate Names
No remarks
No link
- Simbad
- Most recent references (ADS)