Planet 55 Cnc Ab

Detailed information about planet 55 Cnc Ab and its parameters.


55 Cnc Ab
Planet Status
Discovered in
Published in a refereed paper
0.84 ( +0.23 -0.031 ) MJ
Semi-Major Axis
Orbital Period
Angular distance
0.009303 arcsec
89.73 ( +24.49 -24.54 ) deg
Detection Method
Radial Velocity
Mass Meas. Method
Radial Velocity
Radius Meas. Method
Primary transit
Secondary transit
Impact Parameter b
Time Vr=0
Velocity Semiamplitude K
71.47 ( ± 0.21 ) m/s
Calculated temperature
Measured temperature
Hottest point longitude
Geometric albedo
Surface gravity log(g/gH)
Alternate Names
rho1 Cnc Ab, HD 75732 b
Data Source Type Result Value Result Figure Notes Reference
Molecule Data Source Type Result Value Result Figure Notes Reference

  1. 24 Mar. 05: Planet e challanged; Neptune-sized planet at ~ 0.8 AU? (Wisdom, 2005)
  2. 20 apr. 03: Planet in wide (a ~ 1065 AU) binary system (Eggenberger et al 2003)
  3. 12 Feb. 03 55 Cnc is one of the 5 targets of the 14 Feb. 03 "Cosmic Call" initiative
  4. 13 Jun. 02 Periodicity at 44 d. could be due to stellar rotation, but the planet interpretation is more likely (Marcy et al 2002)
  5. 4 Dec. 01:From astrometry with HST (McGrath et al 2002), M < 30 MJ
  6. 22 Nov. 00: From astrometry (Han et al. 2000) claim a preliminary mass of 126 MJ and inclination of 179.6o
  7. 24 Jul 00: The source of RV variation remains speculative, depending on completion of one full orbit (Fischer et al 2000).
    Possible second companion; see Butler et al. 1996, Jayawardhana et al. 2000.
    The star is surrounded by a dust disk extending at least a 40 AU, with an inclination of ~ 25o. If the planets are in the same plane than the disc, this gives to the first planet a mass of 1.9+1.1 -0.4 MJ (Trilling & Brown 1998, Trilling et al 2000). But disc not confirmed by Schneider et al (2000b)
    There may by a hole with a radius of ~ 10 AU in the disk (Jayawardhana et al 2000)
  8. The star has a companion (rho Cnc B) about 1150 AU away


A red dwarf companion star (spT M4.5V) lies 1065 AUs away.

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